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Terms of Use


To be able to provide you with all the services we offer, we need to use some of your personal data. Please know that we will keep all of your personal data confidential. We shall not disclose or sell any of your personal information to any other third party, without your explicit consent. 


All content we provide to you through our website has been selected with the utmost care, and we try to keep our website bug-free and safe. However we cannot give and therefore give no warranties explicit or implied about the accuracy or reliability hereof. Its content is provided to you “as is”. Although we carefully protect our website against influences or alterations by third parties, we cannot and therefore do not guarantee that our website or its content will always be safe, secure or error-free, or that the website will always function without imperfections or disruptions. Usage of our website and its content is at your sole risk. We do not accept any liability for your use of our website.

Right of Refusal

We operate our business with the utmost integrity and base that integrity on our core values which are derived from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore we hold the right to refuse any proect submitted to us through our website whether before or after purchase. If we determine that your project jeopardizes our integrity and core values as individuals or as a company we will cancel the project in question and notify you immediately.  If it is after a purchase has already been made that WE choose to terminate your submitted project (for any reason) a full refund minus taxes will be issued.



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